Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Holiday in Les contamines 1

I was crying like a small emotionally disturbed child.
Fall down too many times. I hated this sports already. I wanted to shoot the person who invented snow board.
It was my first time to try snowboard and I already hated it in the first hour.
I flew to Geneva, and drove down to south west for about an hour, we arrived at Les Contamines. Les contamine is a commune in the Haute-Savoie region in south-eastern France.
My boy friend suggested me to take a lesson when i started to cry. So we went to ESF (ski school) to arrange a personnal trainer for me.
After a 2 hours lesson with great trainer I could take a lift and do “dead leaf slide” from top of the easiest slope.
I promised my trainer to come back tomorrow and left the slopes for a bowl of hot chocolate.
Les Contamine is a very small village. Not like Chamonix. Chamonix is also beautiful, bigger, more buildings and loads more tourists. Even I could find some Japanese sign in shops window…
I had a raclette at this beautiful place in Les Contamines. Raclette is a type of unpasteurised cheese and also a dish indigenous to parts of switzerland, Wallonia and France. The Raclette cheese round is heated, either in front of a fire or by a special machine, then scraped onto oiled potatoes or baguette. The best friends of raclette are gherkins, pickeled baby onions, ham, cured ham, salads and white wine. (more info

Waitress brought a machine and swiched on to heat the cheese.
Cheese was exceptionally soft and mild flavour. I was pushing cheese and potatoes into my mouth. It was so delicious, I didn't use any seasonings.

The conbination of creamy savoury cheese, ham and simple boiled potato were just perfect. I couldn’t stop eating. I was aiming to have at least 5 cm scrape of cheese for just MY SELF. But cheese and potatoes were so filling. even both us couldnt have 5cm scrape. I wanted to eat more but my stomach was telling me to calm down..
Haaaaaa.... Gochiso samadeshita!!!!



レ コンタミンはフランスの南東にある、有名な山のモンブランのすぐ近くで、ロンドンからはイージージェットでスイスのジュネーブへ飛んで、空港から車で一時間ぐらいのところにあるものすごく田舎町です。私の彼がそんな私を見かねて、スノボーのレッスンをとることを勧めてくれて、その足で予約をしに行きました。はあぁ(ため息)



おー、これはオイシイ!!!! 感激!!

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