Thursday, 18 February 2010

Homemade Rice cracker, 手作りおかき

When I was kids, my mom used to make this rice cracker for me.
Mother of my friend also made this when we are playing with "Rika chan" dolls at frineds' place. The cracker is served in front of us always hot, nice and toasty. Sometimes sweet, sometimes just with soysauce... when we finished a bowl we always went back to kitchen and ask for another bowl.
So I thought it is common snacks for kids, and all of the mother make this at home. But I've never met any one who make homemade hot and toasty rice cracker, except my mom and my friends' mother...
I was not sure how to make this, but I've tried to coock at home.
The process is very easy. Get a Japanese Mochi which is rice cake. But it doesn't look like a "cake". This is made with very moistured and sticky type of rice. It is white, hard, and rectangle when you find in shops. So please be careful when you cut into inch size dice. Then leave it up to 1 - 2 days to get rid of the moisture in the Mochi.
As soon as the mochi get dried, just fry them in hot oil.
The mochi are crack open very quick and when the color turn to nice golden color, time to take them out.
After all rice cracker is ready, you can put them in a soy sauce and mix it.
And try make few different types of sauce, such as chilli and soy sauce or make caramel sauce and add dush of soy sauce or honey, sesame seeds, just simply salt,,,, it is so easy to make.
And last suggestion is add few drop of sesame oil in to frying oil, then cracker will have a hint of toasty sesame flavour if you like and it must be served hot.

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