Saturday, 13 March 2010

BBC Good Food Show

It was November 2009... I went to BBC good food show in Olympia.
I've been to this food show in 2008, invited by a friend of mine.
There are many food suppliers, tea, ham, cheese,spices, chocolate, wine, demonstrations by UK's famous chefs...
I couldn't find anything particular that I wanted to buy, as I remember....

This is the first year that "Japan" is participating in this event.
So I had to go. I had to see...
And some of the sake makers will be there.
I was so supprised with the size of "Japanese" booth. I didn't expect as big as it is...

Demonstration by the Tv program BBC master chef winner.

Many different ale and beer shop. This shop is based in Richmond.


Sweets... It looks so pretty, don't you think?



I found it. This is the sake booth. I've recognised a few faces.
Kon nichiwa-!!! (Hello-!!!)

I was so please to see many many non-Japanese people were tasting different sake and asking about it. Everybody was trying sake, amazing...
Doesn't matter, more important is the people who is discovering about sake.

From above.

This is demonstration of sushi. You can learn how to make sushi etc...

Look at this audience. I'm quite short, but this is over too many!!!!

It is AMAZING!!!
下に降りてみましたが、あまりの人の多さに何も見えません!!!! このほか、抹茶も提供したりしていて、ヒイキするわけではありませんが、私は、今年のフードショウでは日本が一番頑張っていたような気がします。

I had good time, in this year.

I think I may go back in 2010.
more information about BBC good food show is...

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