The Jazz and beer festival in Greenwich is starting from this Thursday. I've been to this festival in last year and I was really really wanted to go in this year as well, but unfortunately I can not make it...;-(
I had so much fun at this jazz and beer festival in 2009. I was taking a tasting note at the beginning but after few pints of beer, we are all forgot about tasting note.
You can book a ticket at following website or you can buy at the desk.
And you can buy a pint glass to taste many many serious beers. (If you don't want to take a glass with you, you can return the glass and get money back when you leave)
If you simply like beer or if you like live music, or even you just want to do something different, I'd like to recommend this festival. We took a boat to get there and come back to the center.
I'd like to go other beer festival that something like this one, but I couldn't find any... If anybody knows fun beer festival please please let me know!
Otherwise this summer won't be good as last year...
Greenwich Jazz and Beer festival
27-31 May 2010
今年も、Greenwich beer and Jazz festivalが今週の木曜日から始まります。
このGreenwich beer and Jazz festivalのようなビールのイベントを探しているのですが、なかなか見つかりません。もし、このブログを読んでくださっている方の中にお薦めのイベントを知っている方がいたら教えてください。このままでは、私に夏は訪れません…。
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