But I never knew there is many types of gazpacho until I've tasted such a delicious melon gazpacho at DEHESA -charcuterie & tapas bar- where is on the Ganton street, in central London.
It was so tasty.
Since then I always wanted to try to make melon gazpacho.
It was about almost two week ago when we hire the smart car in the week end.
We had nice trip to country side and on the way back home we did BIG shopping that usually we can not without car. We bought so many stuff, even something that we can get from around our flat....
The melon was finally ripe well (almost forgotten!) so I thought about melon gazpacho.
I've checked recipe on the internet, but so many different styles and so many different ingredient....
So we decided to follow OUR recipe and used simply melon, peppers (green, yellow and red), white wine vinegar, salt and pepper, dash of cranberry juice (I don't know why but one of the recipe used) and olive oil. We didn't want to kill anybody after, so we avoid to use garlic.
And served it with toast and butter.
It was not great as the one from DEHESA, but it was very nice and fresh.
しかし、DEHESA -charcuterie & tapas bar- という Ganton streetにあるレストランで、メロンのガスパチョを頂いたときの感動は今でも忘れず、その時初めてトマト以外でも美味しく作れる事を知りました。それからというもの、機会があったら是非挑戦してみたいレシピの一つでした。
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