I went to beer and Jazz festival at Hampton court palace.
It was nice sunny morning but very very windy day.
We've meet up at 1230 in Waterloo station. And took train for about 30 min to get Hampton court palace station. It was first time for all of us to visit this area. Lots of green and water is running through by the palace. Beautiful...
As soon as we've got pint glass we were run to get beer. I've got Chili beer to start with. When I smell the beer, I could get red pepper aroma straight away. It was very fruity at the beginning, and very spicy kick in the end. I think this beer would be great with pizza or something oily food. It was very interesting taste.
All of us were very hungry, and after we've got first glass of beer we decide to have some food.
I had a char grilled Stilton and Lamb burger. It was actually very very tasty.
After few pints, the weather changed a lot. Pouring down and wind was very strong.
So we've escaped to one of the tent, and rain + wind get worst and worst. Few more peoples has joined "our tent" and talk about beer together. And one of the lady suggest me to try chocolate beer. I was not sure... When our glass was dried out, luckily rain has stopped. After rain has stopped I've got TEA beer. It was so light. Because of cigar that we were smoking, I couldn't taste much TEA beer. Shame...
Never mind, I've chose Chocolate beer from Meantime brewing.
It was great surprise. And it was very very pare well with cigar.
The weather become very nice sunny and even more windy, we were freezing than anything else.
We couldn't stay longer than we were planning. So decided to go back to town.
We had such a great time to talk with many peoples, tried Stilton burger, nice beers.... I think I had 4 beers and 2 ciders today. Not much but it was good enough to enjoy our day and go home in good shape.
その後は、さっきの女性が薦めてくれたMeantime brewingのチョコレートビールを試しました。意外な美味しさに、びっくり。
When we get to center we were so hungry. And went to Korean restaurant just by the Center point. We had very fun and special experience.
It was very very nice day today.
I'd recommend if anybody who hasn't been to that beer festival, should go next year.
ロンドンのセンターに戻ってきた時に、皆お腹がすいていたのでセンターポイントの近くにある韓国レストランで夕食となりましたが、とても興味深い体験とな りました。
Thank you, Endo san, Ryu san, Asami san, Kevin, and Raphaele!
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