In the united Kingdom or Ireland, Shrove Tuesday is more commonly known as "Pancake day/Pancake Tuesday ", as it is customary to eat pan cakes.
In England, as part of community celebration, many towns held traditional Shorve Tuesday foot ball games, dating as far back as the 12th century.
On pancake day, "Pancake race" are held in villages and towns across the United Kingdom. The tradition is said to have originated when a housewife from the Olney was so busy making pancakes that she forgot the time until she heard the church bells ringing for the service. She raced out of the house to church while still carrying her flying pan and pancake. It remains a relatively common festive tradition in the UK, particularly in England even today, is the pancake race whereby participants race through the streets whilst tossing pancakes into the air, catching them in the pan whilst running.
The most famous pancake race at Olney in Buckinghamshir, has been held since 1445. The contestants, traditionally women, carry a frying pan and race to the finishing line while tossing the pancakes as they go. The winner is the first to cross the line having tossed the pancake a certain number of times. Traditionally, when men want to participate, they must dress up as a housewife...
Ash Tuesday(灰の水曜日)は、キリスト教、カトリック教会を始めとする西方教会の典礼暦年の一つで、4節句の初日に当たります。イギリス、アイルランドで、その一日前の火曜日に、昔からキリスト教の伝統的な文化の一つとして受け継いで来たのが、今日にあたるShrove Tuesdayです。通称”パンケーキの日”とも呼ばれています。この日には各地でサッカーの試合が行われたりしますが、その日程は12世紀から変わる事無く続いているとか。
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