My son Hugo, took so long to settle last night.
Usually, as soon as I said "good night", he'd fall in asleep.
But somehow, he was so grumpy and crying those high pitch voice which I've never heard before, for two hours. I was worried if something wrong or his tummy hurt...? But I figure out nothing is wrong.
I was holding him, walking in the whole house up and down, singing his favorite song, reading Japanese folktale story, change pajamas to the other pajamas, try dummy (he never like them)... After two hours of fight, finally he's fall in asleep like a stone.
I was exausted.
In this morning, I couldn't get up. My back was completely blocked.
Literally I took 5 minutes from the bed to living room which usually takes me 5 seconds. I've complained my pain to Thomas and he asked me what happened after he saw how I'm walking.
I've asked my self, "What have I done...??"
"!!" then, I realized. I was holding Hugo for two hours yesterday.
He's only 4months old... what would it be when he's get older... I thought about it for a sec.
Anyway, I had to do something about it. Thomas suggesting me to see his osteopath doctor but it is too far to get there and come back. So I've managed to book a massage in my local in such a last minute.
I haven't had massage for a while, so I wish I could excite to get there but not in this stage. After long discussion with the lady about my pain, she's started to fix my back.
I used to fall in asleep all the time, as soon as somebody massage my back. And I always leave the spa with huge disappointment and disadvantage to myself. Every time when I waken up by one of massage therapist, No! again?! that is my first word.
But things has changed.
I discovered "deep tissue". It was great. I couldn't stay sleep. And I felt good after the massage.
BUT today, the lady told me she can not to do deep tissue as I have particular pain, she has to do something else. A hour later, my pain level has down to 2 out of 10. Think about how I arrived at spa earlier it was massive recovery.
In the evening, I wanted to eat something warm and light.
I cooked rice noodle soup.
Probably many people instantly think rice noodle is for stir fly. But rice noodle is good for soup too. And this is perfect supper after the day like today.
here is the recipe. (serves 4)
Rice noodle 100g (roughly cut into 5cm)
1 egg, beaten
A bunch of broccoli, cleaned and cut into bite size
Water 2 pints
1 cube of chicken stock
Sake 3tbsp
Soy sauce 3 tbsp
Sesame oil 1/2 tsp
pinch of salt and pepper
Diced tofu(optional)
1. heat the water, chicken stock, sake, soy sauce in sauce pan. When its boiled, add rice noodle, seafood sticks, leek, and tofu.
2. simmer 3-5 minutes, and season with salt and pepper.
3. slowly pour egg into the pan, then mix slowly. turn off the heat and pour sesame oil.
ブロッコリー 一房
水 パイント2杯程
酒 大さじ3
醤油 大さじ3
塩こしょう 少々
ごま油 小さじ1/2
豆腐 角切り(オプション)
1. 鍋に、水、コンソメ又は鶏ガラスープの素、酒、醤油を暖め、一煮立ちさせる。煮立ったら、ライスヌードル、むきエビ、ブロッコリー、そして豆腐を加える。
2. 3−5分ぐらい煮て、塩こしょうで味を整える。
3. 溶き卵を流し込み、ゆっくりかき混ぜ、ふわっとしたら火を止めごま油をたらす。
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