Setsubun is the day before beginning of the spring on the ancient calendar in Japan. It means "division of season" but this is usually refers to the Spring.
This Setsubun was influenced from China in 8th Century.
So, this Setsubun has long history in Japanese culture, but depending on the different region, the way of celebrating is different from each other.
However, every region has same custom which is we thrown roasted soy beans either out the door or at a member of the family wearing an Oni(demon) mask, and we say "Demons out, Luck in!"
Then after that, we eat roasted soybeans as one for each year of one's life.
When I was a kid, I love eating roasted soy beans on Setsubun. Even though, I should have eaten same number of beans as my age, I ate so much more than my actual age, and I felt I am being so cheeky.
When we were little, we always make Oni masks at the nursery or school. And the Setsubun day actually comes, it could turn hell nightmare for youngers.
The teacher dressed as Demons, which is usually red, blue, yellow or green demon costumes with massive spiky stone pestle (it not real stone. Obviously), and big shoes, loud voice, walking stumpy in the room and just so big and loud! So most of the kids were run to the teacher and cry or at least hide from the demons. But only brave boys and some girls would thrown the beans towards those Demons and try to war off. I was one of the brave one as well as hiding behind teacher. I still remember the demons were so loud and tall, my knee were shaking so much.
Also at home, we do thrown beans.
My mum were shouting so loudly while throwing the beans and I felt embarrassing.. After you finish the beans throwing, you'll have to pick up all beans from the floor. Sometimes you will find remaining beans 6 months later though.. haha.
To introduce the tradition of setsubun, Oliver from Tengu sake, and myself will be hosting the Sake+Dinner event based "Setsubun" at the Shackfuyu in Soho.
Selections of sake with finger licking delicious foods will be served. So if you are craving for something educational, fun, delicious and good sake, Please join us at Shackfuyu! The ticket can be purchased from here...
また、家で豆まきをする際、母の、「鬼は外ー! 福は内ー!」のかけ声が余りにも大きくて、ちょっと恥ずかしいなんて思った時期も有りました。。
さてさて、私の節分のお話はここまでで、この節分をロンドンでもちょっと意識してみたいなと思い、 テングサケのオリバーと、私がホストを勤めさせて頂きます、日本酒とお食事のイベントが、SohoにあるShackfuyuで開催されます。
日本酒と、”finger licking”なお料理との楽しいイベントを企画しています。日本の文化と、おいしいお酒やお料理、少しだけためになる楽しいイベントをお探しの方、是非お友達やご家族をお誘いの上、お越し下さい!