Sunday, 16 June 2013

best banana bread

I've been fed so much banana when I was a kid.
Banana is always cheap and high in nutrition, so it's perfect for anybody's health, especially growing munchkins. 
I can not remember since when I stop eating fresh banana, especially the ripe ones. They are soft, gluey and sticky.    
I was always blaming my mum that I became so banana hater. I've been thinking she fed me too much, but she told me it is the nursery school where I went to and they served half banana EVERYDAY at the lunch time.

She also told me I had problem to finish my plate at the nursery. My mum were often called by the principal teacher and always pointed out my poor eating. Apparently my mum was so proud of me that I was eating a big breakfast every morning and that was the main reason I didn't have appetite at the lunch time. She changed nursery school after, and I have a lot of good lunch and memories with many many friends.
And now, I still don't like to eating fresh banana but I like banana bread. 


My favorite banana bread recipe
over ripe banana x2-3
plain flour 250g
pinch of salt
bicarbonate of soda 1tsp
walnuts 40g
dark brown soft sugar 115g
softened butter 115g
2 eggs

*dark rum 50ml
*dark brown soft sugar 2-3tbsp

1 Preheat the oven 180C/ gas 4
2 Mix the flour, salt, walnuts and bicarbonate of soda.
3 In the separate bowl, cream the butter and sugar and add to 2.
4 Mash the banana with fork (you can use blender or hand mixer if you prefer)
5 Grease the loaf tin with butter and pour the mixture in the tin. Bake in the oven for 60-65min.

6 In the sauce pan, pour *dark rum and *dark brown sugar, simmer well until sugar is completely melt.
7 When banana bread is removed from the oven, pour this rum mixture onto the bread. 
8 When its cooled time to enjoy. 

薄力粉 250g
重曹 小さじ1
黒砂糖 115g

*ダークラム 50ml

1 オーブンを180度に温めておく。
2 薄力粉、重曹、クルミと塩を混ぜます。
3 そのサイドで、黒砂糖とバターを良く馴染むまで混ぜ、2に加えます。
4 バナナをフォークでつぶし(生地と馴染むようにしたい方は、ブレンダーやハンドミキサーをお使いください)2に混ぜます。卵も泡絶てた後、同じく2と混ぜます。
 5 バターでコーティングした型に流し込み、 オーブンで60-65分焼く。(爪楊枝かナイフで刺してみて、何も付いてこなければ問題ありません)

6 鍋に*のダークラム、黒砂糖を温め、砂糖が完全に溶けるまで焦がさないように待つ。
7 砂糖が完全に溶けたら、火を止め、ラムを焼き上がったバナナブレッドの上からまんべんなく掛けます。
8 冷めたら型から出して召し上がれ。

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