Friday, 14 June 2013

happy father's day weekend!

My sister in-low and her two children Lea and Matteo were visited us since last Friday. 
They were very excited to meet Hugo.
Thomas's younger sister who is currently living in London also joined us.   
Hugo received a lot of toys and clothes, played with his cousins... he's been spoiled all day long. 
When he supposed to be sleeping, he's eyes were wide open. I was telling to Thomas that Hugo must be so excited with new faces, voice and attention received for all day. After few hours tried to put him in sleep, finally he's close his eyes and Thomas and my battery were run out too.
First time in very long time, 3 of us have a great nap together....

When Hugo started to awake, my sister in-low were taking care of Hugo, after the dinner they cleaned the kitchen, and done all washing up... I realized how helpful if somebody is there to help me. Thomas is really busy for working since early morning until 2am every day. My mum in Tokyo, she is quite busy for her work at the moment, and she can not travel to meet her first grand son yet. 
So usually Hugo and me are spending time together just two of us.
Sometimes I felt like I can not bother to cook just for my self, can not bother for clean the kitchen after used and mainly I can not spend a lot of time for cooking like used to be.... 
So literary I felt the birthday and Christmas came together over the week end. 

Lea and Matteo are living in Paris, when they saw our new house, they were very excited. Especially when Thomas took them to the cellar, they told us it feels like in a harry potter's film!!

It supposed to be good weather in all weekend, but it was not. 
However we had a sun on Saturday, so we've organized barbeque in the garden, everybody ate a lot and enjoyed the lunch under the sun.  
My sister in-low told me the kids are very very fussy with foods, but they told us everything very tasty. phew!!  

Next time when we see each others will be in August in south of France. 
Hugo will be little bigger by then and I can not wait for that family holiday.

So, its a father's day weekend. To all father in the world, have a happy weekend!!

ヒュウゴは、 お土産のおもちゃや洋服をいっぱいもらい、一日中だっこしてもらったり、洋服の着せ替えをしてもらったり、たっぷり遊んでもらいました。

ピーと泣いては義姉や義妹が良いから良いから、と面倒を見てくれ 、山のようになった食後の洗い物もキッチンの片付けも全てやってくれ、誰か居るってこーんなに楽なんだと実感。
トー マスはいつも朝早くから深夜まで仕事。東京の実家の母も、仕事があまりにも忙しく、ヒュウゴにまだ会いに来れないので、いつもは私と息子の二人。食事を一 人分作るのも面倒だし、片付けも面倒だし、ましてや大好きな料理に没頭出来る時間がない、とそんな日も多々あったので、今回義姉が来てくれて、まさにクリ スマスと誕生日が一緒に来たって感じでした。





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