It was Thomas's Birthday in this week.
To be honest, I haven't seen him much for past 7 months due to his job... ;-( He usually leaves home early morning and coming back home early morning next day.
Thomas told me he will be off on his birthday, just 2 days before and as you can imagine, I was in a little panic.
So, I booked a hot stone massage for him and gave it with handmade birthday card and Racing license course ticket.
Thomas is crazy about cars and I wanted him to forget about work sometimes... So hopefully he'll have a good time at the course.
Then we had a lovely lunch at the Dairy.
Then we had a lovely lunch at the Dairy.
I'll write about this restaurant next time, because we couldn't enjoy as much as we wanted... Our son is ALWAYS wakes up when we enter the restaurant. So one of us had to stand up to take him around and one of us rushing to finish plate by our selves... But the food was DELICIOUS at there!
In the end of the night, Thomas told me it was very good day.
I felt relieved... pheww!!
I've been following this blog called "Eikoku shinshi to Kokusai Kekkon @London" (married to British gentleman, living in London).
This talented Japanese lady called Aya who has great sense of humor, draws 4 frame manga based on her life with her husband.
I love her work very much.
Unfortunately her site is Japanese only, so unless you speaks Japanese you won't get her funny story.
She's also published her first book, quite recently.
Because she's married to non-Japanese man, sometimes her story is over lap with my experience. It makes me laugh always.
そしてお昼には、the Dairyで。とっても素敵で美味しいレストランなんだけど、私達はあんまり堪能出来ず…。

Aya always takes extra care of what Ian (her husband) eat, for him to enjoy Japanese Food. Especially something unique taste..
Ian: Mozuku Su??
Aya: Its a seaweed and vinegar, it is taste like pickles.
Ian getting used to new taste.
Ian: Actually I like it!
Aya: yey!!
He is more interested in Japanese flavors and taste little by little, however....
Ian: What is this?
Aya: Ah!! maybe you are not ready for Karashi Takana...
(Karashi Takana: simmered mustard leaves)
Ian: It taste more powerful than it looks...
Aya: Try it with some rice.
Ian doesn't like Karashi Takana, since...
Well, today the weather has been really windy and raining all day. (I wake up by the rain slapping window this morning)
Tomorrow is not going to be very nice either. So I think I'll stay cozy at home.
Have a cozy weekend everyone!!
話は変わって大きなカボチャの件、すごーくワカリマス。実は私もイアンに買物一切頼まなくなりました。^^; 確かにこっちの人、スーパーでよく電話してますよね、今度漫画にしよ!