Saturday 14 September 2013

tender chicken with as you like...

I love this quick chicken recipe.
I've had this with steamed rice, but you can also try with coconut rice or coconut buns from Jamie Oliver's recipe. 
Hope you'll like it. 

私は、ごはんと一緒に頂きましたが、ココナッツライスや、ジェイミーオリバーのレシピ、coconut bunsと一緒に食べるのも美味しそう。
Shiitake mushrooms are Japanese mushroom. Today, we can find so many different mushrooms in the supermarket. I love to use a lot of different types of mushrooms. 

For example...
Shiitake mushrooms: looks like photo above, it is not exactly same shiitake mushroom as we eat in Japan
Enoki mushrooms: very thin, long and white color
Shimeji mushrooms: could be white or brown, bunch of little mushrooms stick together, great for stir fly and pasta
Maitake mushrooms: one of my favorite mushroom on the earth. They are really aromatic and juicy. Autumn is the best season. Looks like flat and a lot of folds. For not to kill the aroma, simply tempura is the best way to enjoy. Serve it with green tea salt. mmmhh...  
Matsutake mushroom: most expensive mushrooms in Japan. Usually you can find them in supermarket (in japan) in wooden box with bed of fluffy cushion. Usually simply charcoal grill or soup. Season is autumn.   
Eringi mushroom: big and super meaty mushroom. I love the texture.

Diced chicken thighs x4
Sprouting broccoli x as much as you like(I used 1 pack)
Small red chilli x1
Shiitake mushroom 
Shimeji mushroom 

Soy sauce x200ml
Vinegar x200ml
Sugar x3tbps
Sesame oil x1tsp 

Sesame seeds(for sprinkle on the top)

1. Mix soysauce, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil and marinade diced chicken thights for 30 min. 
2. Trim the mushrooms and sprouting broccoli if nessesary. 
3. Take the chicken out from the marinade and cook in flying pan with little salad oil. 
4. When the chicken start to cook through, add mushrooms and broccoli
5. Add slice of chilli and sauce that used for marinade and cook for 5 minutes with small heat.
6. When the broccoli and chicken has cock through, it is ready to serve. Sprinkle some sesame seeds. 


鶏もも肉 x4枚一口サイズに切る
ブロッコリー xお好きなだけ(私は一パック使用しました)
小さめの唐辛子 x1

醤油 x200ml
酢 x200ml
砂糖 大さじ3
ごま油 小さじ1


1. 醤油、酢、砂糖、ごま油を混ぜ、鶏もも肉を30分程漬けます。
2. 鶏もも肉を漬けダレから出し、フライパンで少しのサラダ油で火を通す。
3. 鶏肉に少し火が通って来始めたら、ブロッコリーとキノコ類を加え、しんなりするまで加熱。
4. 薄切りにした唐辛子を加えたら、漬けダレも加え、中火で5分程炒める。
5. 鶏肉とブロッコリーに火が通ったら、出来上がり。胡麻を振りかけて召し上がってください。 

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