Friday, 9 December 2011

sake tasting night vol 7.

So this is end of the 2011.
Because I wanted to do something about sake, and I wanted to have the opportunity to talk about sake, this was the reason why I started doing these sake events 10 months ago. 
I had great support from many people and restaurants. 
I'd like to thank every body and also whoever attended my sake tasting event. 
Thank you so much. 
In 2012 I'd like to move this forward and keep update our sake knowledge and interest in London. 
So please join us!!
So please join us!!
I've been to this local french restaurant several times. 
The owner is good friend of Thomas and all staff really look after us every time we go there. 
The restaurant is called Chabrot bistro d'amis, in Knightsbridge.
They do fantastic Choux farci Chabrot which is stuffed cabbage with veal, ceps, chestnuts and foie gras.... in cold winter, nice bottle of red wine with Choux farci chabrot.... I can forget everything.

So the owner kindly agreed for me to do a sake event at his restaurant. 
So we've tasted cheese and warm sake. 
I went to local cheese shop in knightsbridge who also supplies cheese to Chabrot. 
The selection of cheese is huge and manager Sam is a very sweet person. 
We've received fantastic cheese board on the table from Sam! Isn't it looks amazing??!!
Chabrot bistro d'amisはナイツブリッジにあるローカルレストランです。
料理はどれも美味しいですが、私の一番の大好物と言えば、Choux farci Chabrot。子牛肉、栗、フォアグラをキャベツで包み、低温でじっくり煮込んだこのお料理、冬の寒い日にドッシリした良い赤ワインとChoux farci Chabrotがあれば、嫌な事も外の寒さも全部忘れられる…そんなお料理です。

このChabrot bistro d'amisのオーナーが、親切にも今年最後の日本酒の会の会場として使って良いとオファーをしてくださったので、お言葉に甘える事にしました。
これもまた職場の近くにあるチーズの専門店でマネージャーのサムに事情を話すと快く引き受けてくれました。ここは、Chabrot bistro d'amisにも卸している、チーズ店なのでとても良心的。そして当日私達が受け取ったのがこのチーズボード。
Selection of cheese were...
1. Secret du Couvent, from Loire
2. Tomme Brulee, from Pyrenees Atlantique
3. Pont d'yeu, from Loire Atlantique
4. Gruyere d'Alpage, Switzerland
5. Fourme d'Ambert, from Puy de Dome

Of course start with blind tasting of 4 warm sake.
Staffs were so helpful, keep topping up sake and checking temperature... how sweet....

Then open the blind fold!!
Our sake selection of the day were.....

1 Kamoizumi Shusen Junmai Ginjo
2 Kokuryu Junmai Ginjo
3 Suginishiki Tokubetsu Junmai
4 Nanbubijin All Koji 2010
1 賀茂泉 朱泉 純米吟醸
2 黒龍 純米吟醸
3 杉錦 特別純米
4 南部美人 All Koji 2010

I've explained about balance of the acidity of sake and white wine. Why some sake can be warm up and some not. The answer is the balance.
Many people agreed that All Koji 2010 and cheese 4 + sweet bread were a very good match, even the cheese has very strong flavor.
Shusen and cheese 3 was also good match. I liked cheese 1 with shusen as well. cheese 1 was very unique, after taste were almost like chest nuts!!
Kokuryu was quite good with cheese 1. Cheese 2 and Kokuryu were become quite salty finish.
And best match of Suginishiki was  Cheese 4, blends well with sake.
多くの参加者の皆さんが同感したのはAll Koji 2010とcheese 4 + sweet breadの組み合わせ。強い香りのあるチーズでしたが、とても良い相性でした。
朱泉とは、cheese 3との組み合わせ。個人的にはcheese 1との組み合わせも好きでした。cheese 1はとてもユニークなチーズで、栗の香りがするチーズでした。
そして黒龍とのベストマッチは、またもcheese 1。不思議な事にCheese 2と黒龍を合わせると、かなり塩分が増すように感じました。
最後に、杉錦とのベストマッチ、Cheese 4でした。

We've finished tasting and talked about 2012. 
Of course, I'll continue this sake tasting event!! 
Thank you for everybody and hope I'll see you in 2012.

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